Reach Reduction kit er laget for de med mindre hender og som syns avtrekkeren blir noe lang å strekke seg etter. Spesielt på DA avtrekket.
Reduserer avstanden med 5mm og reduserer også single action pre-travel.
- Relocates the trigger back 5 mm (nearly 1/4′ inch) with the hammer down.
- Reduces the Double Action lock time by 10-15%, offering faster Double Action mode.
- Allows a very short reset for Single Action mode.
- There are two adjustable screws with the trigger allowing for custom adjustment in both directions, both pre and after-travel (if necessary).
- The end of the trigger has a tighter radius than the factory model and won’t bottom out against the frame of the pistol, allowing for smaller hands to feel more comfortable.
- Works perfectly with all steel-framed CZ pistols with any installed disconnectors.
- We recommend using thread lock to fix your pre and over-travel screws.
Passer til:
- CZ 75
- CZ 75 SP-01
- CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow
- CZ 75 SP-01 Phantom
- CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Line
- CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Orange
- CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical
- CZ Shadow 2
- CZ Shadow 2 Orange
- CZ 97 and their models
Kit inneholder:
- RR Trigger for CZ Shadow
- Screw for Eemann Tech Triggers (after-travel) for CZ (ET-131002)
- Screw for Eemann Tech Triggers (pre-travel) for CZ (ET-131003)
- Competition Trigger Pin (ET-130064)
- Competition Trigger Spring (ET-131109)
- Ultimate Disconnector for CZ (ET-130124)
- Hex Key 1.5 mm L-Shaped (ET-030012)
Color: Sort
Material: Aluminium
Til info: Due to the difference in tolerances and thickness of pistol coating, you may not need the Double Action Pre Travel Screw 4mm and 3mm in the CZ Shadow 2 Platform, they may not function because of little available pre-travel.